Noumenon Pitch

Right now I'm putting the finishing touches on the script for this. Pictured above is a rough proof of concept for the style. The plan is to start work on the book this week. After posting I'll do some revisions, refine parts of the story, and then start on the layout. Once layout is figured out I'll start photographing, following by copious amounts of drawing. This is all being done in conjunction with the Black Eye Dog line of Stranger Comics. They're excited about the comic and have been very supportive. I'm thrilled to finally have an excuse to draw for 8+ hours a day for what I know is an excellent project.
The background of all this happening is I showed them some art and they liked it. Then they showed me a script that wasn't completely finished that I wasn't thrilled with, so four days later I wrote my own. Last Sunday I put some finishing touches on it and showed them a more refined version on Monday. Now it's up to me to actually get everything finished. As I said, I'm excited.