Neil Gaiman's Statuesque

Click to watch Statuesque by Neil Gaiman

This will stay on the internet for about a day and a half, so watch it while it's still there. It's Neil Gaiman's first foray into directing, and has the sort of ending you'd expect from that variety of genius - a good one.

Also in This Week in Videos, something from the Groundling's. About 26 million people have seen it before me, so apparantly it's been around. That doesn't make it any less hilarious.

This is in contrast the all of the crap that can be found on Crackle, the Groundling's personal video site. If the Groundlings can't pull off a good video, what chance do the rest of us have? The gulf between good improv and good videos is larger than most are willing to admit. I can't think of a better demonstration of that fact than Crackle. Good sound, great editing, and 100's of past failures is a different set of skills than comedy.

To end on a high note, Derrick Comedy is one group that absolutely gets it. Here's an amazing example clip:

Derrick Comedy found via The Sound of Young America

Hopefully those 3 videos can sustain you till next year. Happy New Year.